and don't ask me how i forgot about this
but this week is gonna be massive..
mainly cause its the official album launch party for Bang Gangs
new 2disc mix cd titled "D is for Disco, E is for Dancing"
available at all record stores this Saturday..
its been a year since they release the compilation disc titled "Light Sound Dance" which sold like crazy, and is still one fk^&n insane mix cd.
Lauch Party lineup includes Jaime Doom, Gus Da Hoodrat, Dangerous Dan and Ajax
Tickets available on the door
Teaser mix of the new album can be found at this link
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
im a douche for forgeting
Monday, October 20, 2008
weekend destination edition [week 40-08]
apparently this week has a pretty good lineup.. and birthday as well..
don't forget the party hats people.
saturday night
SADLY I have been to favela rock
but its been going strong for three years so im guessing its a good night
its run the opulent crew who are responsible for bringing pase rock to melboure not to long ago
apollo kids myspace page
also as i am very missinformed about this event and i have never been
i placed a website link below of the people running it..
hope it helps
opulent magazine website link
saturday night
this happy aussie from new south wales apparently is so good he is headlining at eurotrash again, and it wasnt to long ago either..
this dudes music is abit hard to determine.. but if your a fan of xinobi, moulinex (who have played at eurotrash aswell) danger, busy p, mstrkrft..
well in other words the only style of music i ever talk about..
filter house :D
oh and me mate rollerboy is playing 12 to 1.30..
and 1928 (who owns eurotrash) is playing at 11:30 to 12:30.. his insane
magic happens myspace link
rollerboy myspace link
1928 myspace link
starting with:

thursday night
if your a fan of MIA and SANTOGOLD you dont want to miss this night.
rye rye has a history of working with mia and diplo so she knows her Sh*tt..
if your rocking up to this event, its ticket only and guestlist doesnt apply..
first stage tickets have sold out
and secend stage can only be found at moshtix.
but i recon someone can prove me wrong.
rye rye mysapace link

friday night
lets just say alan braxe has been around.. and he has been regarded as one of the few dj's that started the french filter house scene..
so in other words.. this dude is french and knows how to rock
and on top of that australia's own internatlly famous miami horror will be gracing the decks with his unbelieve tunes that put you right back into the 80's
note: im not sure if this is a ticket only event, but if it isnt.. the chances of getting in are very low.
tickets can be found from "qbar promoters" or on chapel st at "Dakota 501" for $35 bucks
alan braxe myspace link
miami horror myspace link
enjoy the week
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
SANTOGOLD Melbourne tour announced

anyways SANTOGOLD (aka. Santi White) has just announced a Melbourne side show.
so if you wernt so lucky enough to get a falls ticket in time
can now see Santi White
Details are:
Monday 5th of January 2009, billboards nightclub
$58 plus booking fee tickets can be purchased from, polyester records, and ticketek
but most important detail is..
so if you enjoy santogold's music.. hurry and get a ticket
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
weekend destination edition [week 39-08]
Ok this week im early to make the weekend destination..
last time i think i done it on a friday.. which was dumb..
anyways to make it up for my bad blog skills and delays after delays i thought id be nice and put the best lineup's from what i think are the best indie/electro clubs out there...
for people who live in melbourne these guys are locals.. and have been gracing there presences for some time now, but for some reason they can still make a headline to a club and get the place almost packed..
so im assuming they are going something right
(if you live in melb and have never seen them.. then go)
its almost 12am and i have no idea who cousin cole is, but knowing third class it was be a crazy night..
third has to be like my favourite clubbing destination in melbourne, and not because of its trashyness but for its music style
HAH i promote at WOW and have no idea who hoops and slap and dash are, but ill update this blog shortly with more info
Hoops Myspace
and yes i know its on a friday, but strip steve is from BOYZ NOISE RECORDS
advice to anyone who doesnt know who boyz noise is..
DO YOUR HOMEWORK NOW (ive placed a myspace link below)
If your a justice, dj mehdi, digitalism, bagraiders, and any of the ed banger grew fan you would go nuts with anything this record company produces
plus its only $5 entry all night
Strip Steve Myspace
Boyz Noise Myspace
Monday, October 13, 2008
Club mod and other news
For all those those who live in Melbourne/Sydney would realize that this event is long gone.. and those who don't know ill write it down in short
it was the start of something big.. well it was for me
Ok story is.. im a massive ladyhawke fan, didn't know much about van she before the event but now im really into em..
Anyways reason why im bragging so much is cause ladyhawke RELEASE HER ALBUM and it seems like no one cares.. (well through my eyes)
anyways that makes me sad..
so a soon as i can.. hopefully this wednesday or thursday ill put up a album review of the lady i love so much
By the way, cant wait for the next club mod.. i wonder what modular would have in store for us next :D
the official Oz artist of the year for 2008
including: cut copy, pnau, presets, midnight juggernauts, van she wolfmother, birds of tokyo, cog, ladyhawke, the galvatons, the grate ect ect.. ill be here all year if i kept going..
lets just say there are alot of good artists
so start voting..
Saturday, October 11, 2008
delays delays and more delays
ok here it goes..
im gonna admit to something that i know is very very true..
this blog sucks.. and it mostly does cause im too lazy and cant organize my time to make it better.
so from now on im gonna write down on my diary.. yes i had a diary.. and im male..
well anwyays i will post a new random post each each monday night..i didnt have time to make a weekend destination edition this week..
but to sum it up.
Eurotrash and Wow probably have the best lineup..
that is if your music tastes are daft punk/ed banger record styled. which i love :P
<--- here are the fliers..
van she tech myspace
bagraiders myspace
also i have some pretty cool news..
latly ive been on this site called privlist which is like a exclusive promoting site for big events.
mostly french based ive noticed..
anyways i found this AWESOME little thing on it..

but unfortunately isnt gonna come to australia..
here comes the tears people..
last thing before i go untill monday, but gameboy/gamegirl really did suck for me at wow last week.. just wasnt my thing..
if your into it.. then great.. but not me..
also just to let the world know.. LADYTRON DJING is almost one of the best dj sets ive ever heard..
resembles justice and abit of steve aoki style.. but more towards the french filter house scene..
if ladytron ever dj's again ill be there.. and i highly recommend you aswell
Saturday, October 4, 2008
weekend destination edition [week 37-08]
this week ive officially decided from now on ill be posting up me weekend plans on me happy for some reason i seem to know where the crowd is pumping..
anyways since im so nice..
ill let u know for free..
OK tonight my night starts off with WOW at pogo/Inflation
mainly cause gameboy/gamegirl and ladytron dj's are playing
its actually ladytrons official melbourne show after party..
i luv ladytron. but im too poor atm to go to her show..
anyways after that im heading into eurotrash..
act yo age. shivers and me mate rollerboy are playing..
im mostly going to support me mate n also cause i luv eutotrash
anyplace trashy with indie/electro tunes is my type of venue..
btw im not a fan of shivers, act yo age or sweat it out.. its not my style..
Monday, September 1, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
First Album Review of many more to come
and the first album EVER that i will be reviewing is...
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
ok its been like almost 3 months since i last make a post on here..
- finished my tafe/trade course.
- constantly went clubbing like the whore that i am.
- organized all my tafe books <--- thats alot of books
- looking for full time work (so far no luck) :(
- had a small car accident
- helped elderly women cross the street
- got addicted to reading books (IM GOING OLD SKOOL BITCH!!)
- attended club mod and enjoyed it intensely.. (ladyhawke n van she rule)
- enjoyed the month of june.. but mostly Cut Copy, the Teenagers and Futurecop (but due to assignments n homework i sold my presets ticket)
- tried to discover the theory of relativity (with no luck)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
nargs COMPLETED bday flier
nargs bday is coming on june12th..
just as flier above flier says
but unlike the other years this one features FUTURECOP! the best 80's inspired DJ i have ever listened to..
hence thats why the flier is SoooOOoooo 80's like..
Listen to there tracks at
If you like why not come down..
ps. flier was inteded to be animated but i got lazy.. MEHHH
Saturday, May 3, 2008
that is after this stupid 2am lockout CRAP
the Melbourne government is tring to in force for JUNE
Which as i mentioned earlier is my BIG MONTH...
btw for those who don't know..
this lockout means once 2am hits u cant leave the club and if u do no other club in Melbourne will let u in...
and for all the smokers out there.. A SMOKO is considered leaving the club..
CLUB HOPPING WILL BE DEAD.. in melbourne cause of a few idiots who get completely smashed club hop and bash and rape people..
Im completed bummed about this.. if anyone knows where john brumby lives so i can stab him please let me know ASAP..
if not then i guess i have to carry this hate around untill the day i die..
Mr Brumby you will make me into a very sick man... and i hate u.. :(
Anyways back to normal news.. its 2:08am and im working tomorrow..
nargs gets a star sticker and puts it on his chest..
OH BTW im seeing the teenagers on june13th.. CANNOT WAIT
and me bday flier will be online soon.. ON THIS BLOG
so expect it in all its animated glory..
anyways ciaos
im gonna go to sleep with my pillow
it looks kinda like this one ------------>
its so comfortable and very good for your neck posture
very good for people with turtle necks like me
turtle turtle
Monday, April 21, 2008
June08 is gonna be massive
Yep sure is..
by the looks of it, im gonna be spending alot of CA$H
- june6th- Cut Copy, In Ghost Colours Tour
- june12th - Futurecop! Melbourne Tour (on me bday) YAY
- June22nd - The Presets, Apocalypso Tour
and i also want tickets to see
- VHS or BETA on June4th.. cause i luv dem.. and want there babies..
tickets are 40 bucks @ the hi fi bar
oh and i finish tafe at the end of june which means.. MORE PARTING..
i might even be the host of such party.. maybe even a FREE BBQ with ALCHOLE!!!!
but that depends how much $$$$ i have at the end of this very festive month..
OH also after i finish this massive assignment for tafe im gonna blog here must more often..
and tell such stories such as.. wat i thought of future music08, my lost summerdayze memories and the robot man on swanston street..
Saturday, April 12, 2008
long awaited albums
VHS OR BETA - Bring on the Comets [2007]
man swear its been like 6 months that ive been tring to find this album, n now i have it..
can i hear a wooot
but unfortunatly i gotta go to bed n im working tomorrow which means i cant hear it till 8pm tomorrow.. grrrbut all is good cause the new PRESETS album titled:
arrives tomorrow..
so cant wait..
so tomorrow will mostly be a music appreciation day for me..
after work that is..
Saturday, March 29, 2008
gayest video games
apparently this title came from korea.. (south korea to be exact)
its actually a portable dictionary slash translator that you can use on your nintendo ds..
so in other words in korea that would translate to...
the other gay video game is actually not gay, just extremly sexual with cute animals is....
but why????
ok, lets not go there..
Friday, March 28, 2008
nargs v festival sadness
which actually has the lineup times.. YAY
But when i opened it i was shocked
i thought v fest only had 1 stage and it played throughout the whole day (no band clashss)
but i was wrong..
and some are big, for example:
- the smashing pumpkins / the presets
- css / duran duran
- air / the rakes
- tough alliance / roisin murphy
- cut copy / glass candy / hot hot heat
it forces me to make a big desicsion
what do i have to miss out on????
or do i have to run up and down melbourne showgrounds like streaking man.. arrgggghhh
more thoughts to ponder
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
im a lazy lil bitch
- im a lazy little bitch
- my life was wittering away from all the blogging everyday
- i missed socializing with real people and living my life
- my blog didn't get enough hits
- my pelvis got rotated from sitting on this computer chair so much.. it hurt
it sure does bring back memories of how bad that "super mario brothers" movie really was..
but doesn't matter
if it wasn't for that movie we couldn't call ugly people goombas :D
once i figure out how to make custom made t-shirts this one will be made
Thursday, March 6, 2008
future08 set times (melbourne)
and for a shocking response i probably wont be
due to the fact that im falling behind at uni (aka. tafe, if u wanna get specific)
but since im such a nice guy, ill leave you with this revised future music 08 time table
cause the guys at future music fucked there layout up..
and its hard to tell if there are clashes, unless you scroll to the end of the page like 1000000 times..
so here is the revised edition by nargs
and if you wanna see the poorly messed up future music version click here.
as a surprise to every DIPLO fan out there
here is the news
DIPLO refuses to show
since...... future never contacted him to tell him, his playing, they just assumed he would magically show..
check his myspace if you don't believe me..
future music festival isn't listed.. tsk tsk..
anyways untill i get some free time..
day fifteen: shapeshifters n potbelleez
(no they are not shape shifting monsters)

band members: Simon Marlin, Max Reinch & dunno who 3rd dude is (is he even in the band??)
music type: Electronic
origin: land of UK and Sweeden
started in: 2004
brief bio: ill do it tomorrow (or maybe never)
Shapeshifters - Incredible
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
day fourteen: john digweed n markus schulz
(the german's play good shit... Aiiii??)

band members: markus schulz
music type: Progressive trance
origin: Germany
started in: 1990
brief bio: Markus is a progressive trance deejay/producer who lives in Miami. he is mostly known for his weekly radio show called "Global Dj Broadcast". Currently has a massive list of remixes and so many records n live set albums, so much in fact i couldn't bother to count.
well all you have to know is this dude is big for trance.. donut miss him trance luvers
Markus Schulz feat Dauby - Perfect (Funabashi Remix)
Markus Schulz feat Andy Moor - Daydream
Markus Schulz feat Carrie Skipper - Never be the same again
(but wait, this dude is like the TRANCE KING, well close enough)

band members: john digweed
music type: Progressive trance & house
origin: great land of UK
started in: 1989
myspace: none (yes im surprised aswell)
brief bio: digweed started deejaying at the age of 13 and currently owns Bedrock, Global Underground, Renaissance records.
(thats all i got.. ill fix it up tomorrow its late and im sleepy)
John Digweed - Kiss 100 FM - 2007-09-02 Part 1 (live set)
Dj Sasha & John Digweed - enjoy the silence
Digweed's live set at "Club Code" in Tokyo, Japan.
Monday, March 3, 2008
day thirteen: sven vath n kid koala
(His been around since 1982, so he knows his shit)

music type: Trance / Techno / House
origin: Germany
started in: 1982
myspace: Sven dont have it.
brief bio: This dude has produced so much since he started in 1982, he is known as one of the first dj's to play trance records and is also the found of a trance label "Harthouse" and "Eye Q". Currently, he owns "Cacoon Event Media" which owns the "Cacoon Records" and he also owns the Cacoon club in Frankfurt. has a total of 12 albums and around 20 EPs
Sven Vath - Drifting like whales in the darkness
Zyon - No Fate (Sven Vath Remix)
Sven Vath - Face it (ian Pooley mix)
Sven Vath - Pathfinder
(unable to locate file)
(not related to anything Australian at all)

band members: Eric San
music type: Jazz / Hip Hop
origin: Canada
started in: 1998
brief bio: is a dj turntablist signed to the British version of Ninja Tune record label and has helped other band such as Gorillaz, Lovage and Deltron 3030. Currently has a handful of mix albums and one EP release.
Kid Koala - Fender Bender
Kid Koala - More Dance Music
Kid Koala - Slew Test 2
Sunday, March 2, 2008
newcomers and cancellations
anyways expect new posts soon..
day twelve: the missing posts
that was because my net got capped which means, it would of taken a month to make 1 post.
cause it was download at like 3kbs.. :S
so to make up for it, ive covered 4 artists.

music type: Hip Hop
origin: US of A
started in: 1997
website: none that i know off.. unless its an extremely underground site that only 10 people know of.
brief bio: this dude was one of the first new wave underground hip hop acts that started in the late 90's, his curretnly signed to EL-P's Definitive Jux label and is a member of the Weathermen. currently has release 5 albums and 3 singles since 1997.
Aesop Rock - Coffee (featuring John Darnielle)
Aesop Rock - None Shall Pass
music type: hard House
origin: Netherlands but born in Philippines
started in: 1995
myspace: unable to find one..
brief bio: wat can i say this dude is so talented he got his first record deal at the age of 18, inspired by hard Chicago sounds, luke always worked hard to produce beats that were different from the rest, with a stack load of record releases including heaps more EP's, Ladeback Luke is considered high up there with other hard house deejays.
i dunno, didnt do my homework good enough.
music type: Dance / Indie / Funk
origin: Danish
started in: 2005
brief bio: The three members of Who Made Who have varying backgrounds, Tomas Barfod a techno DJ, Jeppe Kjellberg an avant-jazz guitarist and Tomas Hoffing a garage rock bassist. They met one evening to jam, and try to combine to produce music outside their traditional areas of knowledge. A short ten minute jam session resulted in three songs. The songs were sent to a Gomma, a record label in Munich who instantly twigged and agreed to release the songs. Who Made Who have released eight 12" singles up to the release of their self-titled debut album in 2006
(bio info copied by nine msn.. im getting to lazy these days)
Who Made Who - Out The Door
Who Made Who - Satisfaction
Who Made Who - Space for Rent
music type: Electropop
origin: Germany
started in: 1997
brief bio: The Chicks on Speed speed gang all met at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. the band consists of musicians, producers, graphic artists, designers, film and video makers.
Chicks on Speed started out as a art group who applied low budget performance arts with a punk theme, using there own home made costumes made from cheap recycled material such as plastic bags they created a new style in the already popular electro-pop genre.
they currently have released 5 albums and a shit load of singles (aka EP's)
Chicks On Speed - Fashion Rules
Chicks On Speed - Give Me Back My Man
Chicks On Speed - Wordy Rappinghood