Saturday, October 11, 2008

delays delays and more delays

ok here it goes..
im gonna admit to something that i know is very very true..

this blog sucks.. and it mostly does cause im too lazy and cant organize my time to make it better.
so from now on im gonna write down on my diary.. yes i had a diary.. and im male..
well anwyays i will post a new random post each each monday night..

i didnt have time to make a weekend destination edition this week..
but to sum it up.
Eurotrash and Wow probably have the best lineup..
that is if your music tastes are daft punk/ed banger record styled. which i love :P

<--- here are the fliers..
van she tech myspace
bagraiders myspace

also i have some pretty cool news..
latly ive been on this site called privlist which is like a exclusive promoting site for big events.
mostly french based ive noticed..
anyways i found this AWESOME little thing on it..

A F%CK#N JUSTICE: a cross the universe DVD RELEASE TOUR

but unfortunately isnt gonna come to australia..
here comes the tears people..


last thing before i go untill monday, but gameboy/gamegirl really did suck for me at wow last week.. just wasnt my thing..
if your into it.. then great.. but not me..

also just to let the world know.. LADYTRON DJING is almost one of the best dj sets ive ever heard..
resembles justice and abit of steve aoki style.. but more towards the french filter house scene..

if ladytron ever dj's again ill be there.. and i highly recommend you aswell

PS. enjoy the weekend
and cya monday

by edbangerrecords

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

justice rocks