(or in other words the silent disco arena, YES AN ARENA)

When i first read about this i got really excited..
picture a club that was completely silent with no speakers, but everyone is still dancing..
well that is silent disco.. lol
nah im serious it is..
they use wireless headphones (motorola ones from my sources) which is handed out to the crowd while the two dutch dejays by the names of DJ OD (Michael Minten) and NO DJ (Nico Okkerse) play there very dancey electro tunes. these headphones also have a channel change option, in case you don't like the set. :D
ps. there are a few other bands out there that currently run these events due to strict curfew laws in some parts of europe.

silent disco deejays playing at someplace at sometime
unfortunately i couldnt find any mp3's or straming media on this
but if you check out this link from

When i first read about this i got really excited..
picture a club that was completely silent with no speakers, but everyone is still dancing..
well that is silent disco.. lol
nah im serious it is..
they use wireless headphones (motorola ones from my sources) which is handed out to the crowd while the two dutch dejays by the names of DJ OD (Michael Minten) and NO DJ (Nico Okkerse) play there very dancey electro tunes. these headphones also have a channel change option, in case you don't like the set. :D
ps. there are a few other bands out there that currently run these events due to strict curfew laws in some parts of europe.

silent disco deejays playing at someplace at sometime
unfortunately i couldnt find any mp3's or straming media on this
but if you check out this link from
it has heaps of recorded live sets.
anyways hope you enjoyed todays chapter.
tomorrow artist will be a surprise..
ciao bitches
anyways hope you enjoyed todays chapter.
tomorrow artist will be a surprise..
ciao bitches