Wednesday, August 27, 2008


ok its been like almost 3 months since i last make a post on here..

description of why and what i have been doing in that time are....
  • finished my tafe/trade course.
  • constantly went clubbing like the whore that i am.
  • organized all my tafe books <--- thats alot of books
  • looking for full time work (so far no luck)  :(
  • had a small car accident
  • helped elderly women cross the street
  • got addicted to reading books (IM GOING OLD SKOOL BITCH!!)
  • attended club mod and enjoyed it intensely.. (ladyhawke n van she rule)
  • enjoyed the month of june.. but mostly Cut Copy, the Teenagers and Futurecop (but due to assignments n homework i sold my presets ticket)
  • tried to discover the theory of relativity (with no luck)
but most of all
the main reason why i haven't made a post in a while is....

i forgot me blogger password :(
yes i am a tool

but to make up for it.
im gonna soon start posting mp3's on this blog with new album and artist reviews..

smiling yet???

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