Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Album Review of many more to come

and the first album EVER that i will be reviewing is...

"V" by VAN SHE

which is another glorious band from sydney that has graced the holy blessing of modular records as there record company.. and a fine company they are.
Van She's myspace describe them as: Psychedelic / Shoegaze / Techno
Wikipedia describes Van She as: mix of 80's with heavy synthesized sounds
so if you like synth sounds.. people starring at shoes and 80's sounds, you will enjoy this band..

OH and btw Van She are also awesome dj's they have remixed a shitload of stuff..
but there dj name is Van She tech.. and its very wise to check them out when they visit your little village of many..

there latest and ONLY album is called "V" which came out August 9th 2008..
the entire album has exactly 12 tracks.. below are all of my favorite.
but i didn't put them all up.. SO YOU PIRATES CAND BUY THE ALBUM..

Anyways here the mp3's (thanx zshare)

Vans She - Strangers.mp3
Van She - Virgin Suicide.mp3

Anyways if you like there stuff and feel like supporting this great band
check them out on friday September 12th at prince (Meloburne only)
Check out for more details

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