Thursday, March 6, 2008

future08 set times (melbourne)

FUTURE08 SET TIMES (melbourne)

for all of you that have realized i haven't posted much latly
and for a shocking response i probably wont be
due to the fact that im falling behind at uni (aka. tafe, if u wanna get specific)
but since im such a nice guy, ill leave you with this revised future music 08 time table
cause the guys at future music fucked there layout up..
and its hard to tell if there are clashes, unless you scroll to the end of the page like 1000000 times..

so here is the revised edition by nargs
click on the picture for the enlarged version

and if you wanna see the poorly messed up future music version click here.


as a surprise to every DIPLO fan out there
here is the news
DIPLO isn't coming to future..
even thow future said he would, by posting his name & logo on fliers.
DIPLO refuses to show
since...... future never contacted him to tell him, his playing, they just assumed he would magically show..
check his myspace if you don't believe me..

future music festival isn't listed.. tsk tsk..

anyways untill i get some free time..

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