Monday, April 21, 2008

June08 is gonna be massive

Yep sure is..
by the looks of it, im gonna be spending alot of CA$H

ive got tickets for:
  • june6th- Cut Copy, In Ghost Colours Tour
  • june12th - Futurecop! Melbourne Tour (on me bday) YAY
  • June22nd - The Presets, Apocalypso Tour

and i also want tickets to see
  • VHS or BETA on June4th.. cause i luv dem.. and want there babies..
btw if u wanna accompany me at vhs or beta let me know
tickets are 40 bucks @ the hi fi bar

oh and i finish tafe at the end of june which means.. MORE PARTING..
i might even be the host of such party.. maybe even a FREE BBQ with ALCHOLE!!!!
but that depends how much $$$$ i have at the end of this very festive month..

OH also after i finish this massive assignment for tafe im gonna blog here must more often..
and tell such stories such as.. wat i thought of future music08, my lost summerdayze memories and the robot man on swanston street..


Saturday, April 12, 2008

long awaited albums

VHS OR BETA - Bring on the Comets [2007]

man swear its been like 6 months that ive been tring to find this album, n now i have it..
can i hear a wooot

but unfortunatly i gotta go to bed n im working tomorrow which means i cant hear it till 8pm tomorrow.. grrr

but all is good cause the new PRESETS album titled:

arrives tomorrow..

so cant wait..

so tomorrow will mostly be a music appreciation day for me..
after work that is..